Show up Everyday
If you want to be enormously successful
It doesn’t matter how much-hidden potential or talent you think you have. you may have a thousand certificates or skills but if you are unable to deliver the project they are of no use.
Going to the gym once won’t make you fit.
Writing one article once a week won’t make you a writer.
You have to start somewhere pick something and keep on doing it until you get better at it. Whatever you want to do just do it every day. the start will be always the hardest, but eventually, it will become easier along the way. most people do miss a few days and trying to compensate it next time.
you can’t do 4 days of workout in one day.
you can’t finish one week’s worth of study in one day.
It doesn’t matter if you miss some days. don’t try to cover up them. Just do today’s work, today.
As Calvin Coolidge says
“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan Press On! has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.”
If you want to become a writer write every day. It doesn’t matter what you write just write every day it can be anything. The goal here is not what you write, it is whether you are doing it daily or no.
If you want to become a comedian you need to deliver jokes in front of an audience and to deliver that you need to write jokes.
Read that one line from that book you keep putting on hold.
Do that on push up for the body you want to have.
And compare yourself from yesterday. And ask yourself one simple question did I take even one tiny step towards my goal. these tiny steps count in the long run. Keep improving yourself 1% every day and you will be 37 percent better in one year. Persistence beats any talent if you are putting in the hard work to achieve your goals.
The start will always be the hardest but you have to keep it ongoing. you will learn all the needed skills along the way. You don’t need to worry about it. you don’t need to know all of the things right now. your first article will be bad, your first video will be bad, your first podcast will be bad but your 50th won’t be. You will refine your skills along the way.
Nobody gets better at things by only doing it once. you have to keep doing them to get better at it. don’t chase perfection either, just aim for 90 you will never able to make it perfect. An imperfect project that completes on time is always better than an incomplete one.
To get those abs you need to focus on the workout and keep eating healthy. That fat in your body not going anywhere unless you put the work on.
Thinking about getting healthier won’t make you healthier. there is no getting around to this. you must take action.
You have thousands of reasons to not do your workout, you feeling tired last night, you slept late, it is raining today, kids wake up early or you are in a hangover. Action is all that matters day by and week by week. the results you want to achieve don’t care about your feeling. It’s is about whether you can do it or not.
you can get all the information on the first page of Google results if you put “Weight Loss” on the search box. if you actually follow it it will work the problem is never the diet. the problem is you never follow it.
Every diet program, workout regimen, HIIT, CrossFit training routine, work from home workouts, yoga meditation will improve your health but you have to do it and you have to do it daily.
you never going to feel like it
Ever thought about how pro athletes, footballers achieve so much. obvious it’s the talent and the effort they put into practice. but the other is they push their bodies to the limit. The football game extends to one more quarter and they keep on going they don’t act tired. you have to ignore how you feel as NIKE says Just Do It.
“The formula for success is 2% talent, 8% luck, and 90% of showing up every day.”
― Jeffrey Fry
In Conclusion:
To reach your potential, you have to push yourself there is no other way. pick a thing or two and start working on them daily and you will be flying very soon.